Atlas Global and Regional Solutions

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  » Atlantic Ocean-atlas  netcdf

  » Pacific Ocean-atlas    netcdf

  » Indian Ocean-atlas     netcdf

  » OSU Tidal Prediction Software

  »Tidal Model Driver

m2 elevation log10 |difference|

log10|ZTPXO7.2-ZTPXO7-atlas|, Z - M2 elevations (cm)

In coastal areas with complex topographical features global and regional solutions quality is limited by their relatively course resolution. "ATLAS" solutions incorporate existing higher resolution local solutions into a globa/regional solution. The "ATLAS" solution corresponds to a “basic” solution in the deep water and to the local solutions interpolated onto the coarser grid in coastal areas.

Atlantic Ocean 2011-atlas is based on a regional 1/12° Atlantic Ocean solution and incorporated the following local solutions:
 Amazon Shelf, 1/60° East Coast of the USA, 1/30° Mediterranean Sea, 1/30°
Patagonian Shelf, 1/30° European Shelf, 1/30° Caribbean Sea, 1/30°
Gulf of Mexico, 1/45° Hudson Bay, 1/30°  Bay of Biscay, 1/30°

Pacific Ocean 2011-atlas was based on a regional 1/12° Pacific Ocean solution and incorporated the following local solutions:
Bering Sea, 1/30° Hawaii, 1/60° New Zealand, 1/30°
China Seas, 1/30° Northern Australia, 1/50° Central America, Pacific, 1/30°
Sea of Okhotsk, 1/30° West Coast of the USA, 1/30° Chilean coast, 1/60°
Tasmania, 1/30° Sea of Cortez, 1/30° Barneo, 1/60°

Indian Ocean 2011-atlas is based on a regional 1/12° Indian Ocean solution and incorporated the following local solutions:
China Seas, 1/30° Bay of Bengal, 1/30° Madagascar, 1/30°
Red Sea, 1/60° Northern Australia, 1/50° Barneo, 1/60°
Arabian Seas and Persian Gulf,1/60° Tasmania, 1/30°

TPXO7-atlas2011 incorporates all local solutions, mentioned above minus Mediterranean Sea and plus Baltic Sea solution. As a rule ATLAS solutions fit coastal tide gauges significantly (sometimes dramatically) better than basic solutions, but expectedly slightly worse than incorporated local solutions due to coarser resolution. The table below shows the M2 tide gauge RMS misfit (cm) on Amazon shelf, for the local  and global/regional solutions, i.e.: TPXO7.2, TPXO-atlas, AO_2008, AO_2010atlas solutions. 28 validation coastal tide gauges are taken from [Beardsley et al. 1995]. Number of tide gauges resolved by a solution bathymetry is shown in the header row after comma.

RMS signal
AmS2010, 28
AO_2008, 22

To extract tidal harmonic constants and/or predict tide using TPXO*.* GLOBAL tidal solution you MUST first download OTPS (OSU Tidal Prediction Software) or OPTPSnc (same as OTPS, but for our models in netcdf format). OTPS(nc) is written in Fortran 90 and tested under UNIX/Linux. The compressed and tarred OTPS(nc) packages contain README files with details on tidal solution installation and usage. There also exist a MATLAB toolbox, called Tidal Model Driver (TMD), functionally the same as OTPS. The TMD toolbox also includes a friendly graphical user interface. Use menu on the left to download.

Research presented here was funded by the National Science Foundation, the Office of Naval Research and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration
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